3The guarantee of Gladiator products is subject to the Law of Legal Guarantees whose regulation is found in Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Protection of Consumers and Users, (articles 114 to 127) which repealed Law 23/2003, of July 10, of guarantees in the sale of consumer goods.

For general purposes, our product warranty covers any manufacturing defects, but misuse or improper handling of them is excluded. Likewise, wear and tear due to use is not covered by the warranty, on wheels, handles, mechanisms, closures,… although our after-sales department will give you a solution to repair the suitcase.

The warranty can be claimed in all countries where we sell our products, either through the distributor or by contacting us directly. The warranty is only valid upon presentation of proof of purchase.

Our products are tested according to international standards, which depending on each type and quality of their materials, have assigned maximum values of weight, rolling, zipper use, etc. Thus, depending on the characteristics of each of our collections, the performance of the product may vary and therefore have adjusted uses according to customer demand.

With the new Law of Guarantees, regulated in Royal Decree-Law 7/2021, the maximum warranty term against manufacturing defects is set at 3 years.  

We recommend you that every time you make a trip and pick up your suitcase, check with special attention that it doesn’t have any damage, because if so, you would have to make a complaint or writing claim at the counter of your airline, shipping or bus company, so that this mishap is recorded and they take charge by reaching an agreement with you.



At Gladiator we guarantee our products, so we offer a service to customers for any problem.

To give us information about your case, please fill in the following form with the details of your doubt.

Read the Privacy Policy

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